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Mulhair PO*, Crowley L, Boyes DH, Lewis OT, Holland PWH, (2023). Opsin gene duplication in Lepidoptera: retrotransposition, sex linkage, and gene expression. MBE, 40 (11), msad241.
*Corresponding author
Kyriacou RG, Mulhair PO, Holland PWH, (2023). GC content across insect genomes: phylogenetic patterns, causes and consequences. bioRxiv doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.09.11.557135
Mulhair PO*, Moran RJ*, Pathmanathan JS*, Sussfeld D, Creevey CJ, Siu-Ting K, Whelan FJ, Pisani D, Constantinides B, Pelletier E, Lopez P, Bapteste E, McInerney JO, O’Connell MJ (2023). Bursts of novel composite gene families at major nodes in animal evolution. bioRxiv doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.07.10.548381
*Co-first authors
Journal Covers
Crowley L, Allen H, Barnes I, Boyes D, Broad G.R, Fletcher C, Holland P.W.H, Januszczak I, Lawniczak M, Lewis O.T, Macadam C.R, Mulhair PO, Pereira da Conceicoa L., Price B.W., Raper C, Sivell O, Sivess L (2023). A sampling strategy for genome sequencing the British terrestrial arthropod fauna. Wellcome Open Research 8 (123), 123
Mulhair PO, Crowley L, Boyes DH, Harper A, Lewis OT, Holland PWH, (2023). Diversity, duplication, and genomic organization of homeobox genes in Lepidoptera. Genome Research 33 (1), 32-44
Mulhair PO, Holland PWH, (2022). Evolution of the insect Hox gene cluster: Comparative analysis across 243 species. Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology
McCarthy CGP*, Mulhair PO*, Siu-Ting K, Creevey C, O'Connell MJ, (2023). Improving orthologous signal and model fit in datasets addressing the root of the animal phylogeny. MBE, 40 (1), msac276.
*Co-first authors
Mulhair PO*, McCarthy CGP*, Siu-Ting K, Creevey CJ, O’Connell MJ, (2022). Filtering artifactual signal increases support for Xenacoelomorpha and Ambulacraria sister relationship in the animal tree of life. Current Biology, 32 (23), 5180-5188.
*Co-first authors
JJB Cockburn, SJ Hesketh, P Mulhair, M Thomsen, MJ O'Connell, M Way, (2018). Insights into kinesin-1 activation from the crystal structure of KLC2 bound to JIP3. Structure, 26 (11), 1486-1498.
Coughlan S, Mulhair P, Sanders M, Schonian G, Cotton JA, Downing T, (2017). The genome of Leishmania adleri from a mammalian host highlights chromosome fission in Sauroleishmania. Scientific reports, 7 (1), 1-13.